序号 |
课题名称 |
来源 |
研究年限 |
经费 |
负责人 |
1 |
环烷烃与NOX直接酰胺化反应中的多相催化作用(20976043) |
国家自然科学基金 |
2010.1-2012.12 |
33 |
毛丽秋 |
2 |
实时、动态研究整合素β1与胞外基质蛋白的相互作用及其介导的肿瘤细胞耐药行为(20905025) |
国家自然科学基金 |
2010-2012 |
19 |
谭亮 |
3 |
基于智能纳米颗粒致病菌及其毒素快速检测技术的研究20975038 |
国家自然科学基金 |
2010-2012 |
33 |
苏孝礼 |
4 |
功能化离子液体调控手性Salen金属配合物的设计级在H2O2基环氧化反应中的催化作用 20973057 |
国家自然科学基金 |
2010-2012 |
35 |
银董红 |
5 |
基于功能化蛋白核壳纳米编码信标的核酸适体阵列传感技术研究20975037 |
国家自然科学基金 |
2010-2012 |
36 |
张友玉 |
6 |
正负离子表面活性剂间相互作用的调控及其复配系统相行为的研究 20976042 |
国家自然科学基金 |
2010-2012 |
33 |
南延青 |
7 |
新型太阳光能转换染料的设计与合成方法学研究 |
国家自然科学基金 |
2010-2012 |
35 |
廉世勋 |
8 |
食品安全分析用在线式全自动样品前处理装置研制 20927005 |
国家自然科学基金 |
2010-2012 |
140 |
陈波 |
9 |
正负离子表面活性剂复配系统相行为和性质的可调控性及影响因素 |
湖南省杰出青年基金 |
2009-2012 |
20 |
南延青 |
10 |
基于亲水性分子导线的荧光传感研究 |
湖南省自然科学基金 |
2009-2012 |
20 |
黄红梅 |
11 |
基于亲水性核壳结构分子导线的生物传感器研究 |
湖南省自然科学基金 |
2009-2012 |
4 |
张友玉 |
12 |
适配体纳米组装及电化学/表面等离子共振生物传感研究 |
湖南省自然科学基金 |
2009-2012 |
3 |
唐浩 |
13 |
环烷烃与NOX直接酰胺化反应中的多相催化作用(09JJ5006) |
湖南省自然科学基金 |
2009-2011 |
1.5 |
毛丽秋 |
14 |
NOx硝化低碳烷烃反应中的制备技术研究(2009FJ2004) |
湖南省科技计划重点项目 |
2009.10-2011.9 |
12 |
毛丽秋 |
15 |
新型Pd/活性炭催化剂的制备方法研究(09K027) |
湖南省高校创新平台开放基金项目 |
2009-2011 |
10 |
毛丽秋 |
16 |
3,5-二甲酚及异佛尔酮合成工艺的研究与开发(k0904129-11) |
长沙市科技计划重点项目 |
2010.1-2011.12 |
15 |
毛丽秋 |
17 |
环己烷为原料一步法制备己内酰胺 |
国家自然科学基金委和中石化联合资助重点项目“己内酰胺自主创新技术的导向性基础研究”(20736009)的子课题 |
2009.7-2010.12 |
5 |
毛丽秋 |
18 |
压电电化学方法研究皂忒类天然小分子对肿瘤细胞耐药行为的调节作用(09B062) |
省教育厅优秀青年项目 |
2009-2011 |
3 |
谭亮 |
19 |
具有疏油亲水性化合物的合成与应用 |
科技厅 |
2009-2010 |
2 |
胡瑞祥 |
20 |
甲基嘧啶磷新技术产业化中试研究 |
教育厅高校科技成果产业化培育项目 |
2009-2011 |
8 |
尹笃林 |
21 |
介孔生物玻璃基抗乳腺肿瘤寡核算药物靶向载体的研究 |
教育厅项目 |
2009-2011 |
1 |
刘亚纯 |
22 |
高师院校开展产学研合作的特色与共性 |
教育厅项目 |
2009-2011 |
1 |
王季惠 |
23 |
稀土硫氧化镧银光粉发光性能研究 |
教育厅项目 |
2009-2011 |
1 |
汪萍 |
24 |
吩噻嗪类化学发光增强剂的合成及其在肿瘤药物检测中的应用 |
教育厅项目 |
2009-2011 |
1 |
冯志明 |
25 |
无毒耐高温大红陶瓷颜料制备及其应用扩大试验 |
长沙市科技计划 |
2009-2012 |
20 |
廉世勋 |
26 |
纳米生物玻璃基抗乳腺肿瘤寡核苷酸药物靶向载体的研究 |
科技厅项目 |
2009-2010 |
2 |
刘亚纯 |
27 |
医用脱脂棉深工过程中的荧光消除机理及其工艺研究 |
科技厅项目 |
2009-2011 |
3 |
李承志 |
28 |
加强制药工程本科实践教学环节、提高学生实践动手能力的研究与实践 |
湖南省教改项目 |
2010年1月-2012年12月 |
1 |
钟世华 |
序号 |
专 利 名 称 |
授权号/申请号 |
授权单位及时间 |
完成人 |
1 |
一种催化裂解废塑料制燃料油的催化剂 |
ZL 200710034613.7 |
国家知识产权局2009.11.18 |
刘贤响 |
2 |
8-羟基喹啉衍生物的锰催化剂及其在烯烃环氧化中的应用 |
ZL200610136999.4 |
国家知识产权局2009.09.30 |
伏再辉、衷晟、熊东路、,谢芳、尹笃林 |
3 |
一种单体预氧化后电聚合膜用于固定酶的方法 |
ZL 2008 1 0030447.8 |
国家知识产权局2009.11.25 |
谢青季、傅迎春、陈超、徐霞红、邹灿、姚守拙 |
4 |
热稳定有机蒙脱土的制备方法 |
ZL200610136921.6 |
国家知识产权局2009.01.14 |
苏胜培、陈丹 |
5 |
液膜分离提取博落回中生物碱的方法 |
ZL2007100354006 |
国家知识产权局2009.12.16 |
马铭、梁锋、姚守拙、陈波 |
2009年重点实验室发表的论文共100多篇,SCI收录72篇。其中影响因子4以上的明显上升,尤其在Anal. Chem., J. Phys. Chem. B, Organ. Lett., J. Organ. Chem. Biosens. Bioelectron., Electrochem. Commun.,Catal. Lett. 等杂志上发表论文数量明显增加。具体发表论文见下表:
1. Cao Z., Hu Y., Wu W., Ha T., Kelley J., Deng C., Chen Q., Li C., Li J. andLi Y., The TIR/BB-loop mimetic AS-1 protects the myocardium from ischaemia/reperfusion injury,Cardiovascular Research, 2009,84, 442-451.
2. Chen C., Fu Y., Xiang C.,Xie Q., Zhang Q., Su Y., Wang L. and Yao S., Electropolymerization of preoxidized catecholamines on Prussian blue matrix to immobilize glucose oxidase for sensitive amperometric biosensing,Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2009,24, 2726-2729.
3. Chen S., Chu Y., Zheng J. andLi Z.,Study on the two dealloying modes in the electrooxidation of Au-Sn alloys by in situ Raman spectroscopy,Electrochimica Acta, 2009,54, 1102-1108.
4. Chen S., Wu S., Zheng J. andLi Z., Spectroscopic and morphological studies on the electrooxidation of Pt-Ni alloys in HCl solution,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2009,628, 55-59.
5. Chen X., Chen S., Huang W., Zheng J. andLi Z., Facile preparation of Bi nanoparticles by novel cathodic dispersion of bulk bismuth electrodes,Electrochimica Acta, 2009,54, 7370-7373.
6. Chen Y.-Z., Liu G.-Z., Shen Y.,Chen B. and Zeng J.-G., Analysis of alkaloids in Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. using high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,Journal of Chromatography A, 2009,1216, 2104-2110.
7. Chu Y., Chen S., Zheng J. andLi Z., Elimination of oxidation and decomposition by SnCl2in the SERS study of pyridoxine on a roughened Au electrode,Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2009,40, 229-233.
8. Deng C.-L., Song R.-J., Liu Y.-L. andLi J.-H., General Zinc-Catalyzed Conia-Ene Reactions of 1,3-Dicarbonyl Compounds with Alkynes Including the Classically Challenging Substrates under Neat Conditions,Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2009,351, 3096-3100.
9. Deng C.-L., Zou T., Wang Z.-Q., Song R.-J. andLi J.-H., Copper/Silver-Cocatalyzed Conia-Ene Reactions of 2-Alkynic 1,3-Dicarbonyl Compounds,Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009,74, 412-414.
10. Deng W., Tan Y., Fang Z.,Xie Q., Li Y., Liang X. and Yao S., ABTS-Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposite/Bi Film Electrode for Sensitive Determination of Cd and Pb by Differential Pulse Stripping Voltammetry,Electroanalysis, 2009,21, 2477-2485.
11. Fu Y., Li P.,Xie Q., Xu X., Lei L., Chen C., Zou C., Deng W. and Yao S., One-Pot Preparation of Polymer-Enzyme-Metallic Nanoparticle Composite Films for High-Performance Biosensing of Glucose and Galactose,Advanced Functional Materials, 2009,19, 1784-1791.
12. Fu Y., Zou C.,Xie Q., Xu X., Chen C., Deng W. and Yao S., Highly Sensitive Glucose Biosensor Based on One-Pot Biochemical Preoxidation and Electropolymerization of 2,5-Dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole in Glucose Oxidase-Containing Aqueous Suspension,Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009,113, 1332-1340.
13. Ge B., Tan Y., Xie Q.,Ma M. and Yao S., Preparation of chitosan-dopamine-multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite for electrocatalytic oxidation and sensitive electroanalysis of NADH,Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2009,137, 547-554.
14. Guo X., Chen X.-P., Cheng Z.-N., Luo X., Guo R., Chen L., Chen J.,Chen B., Peng J. and Li Y.-J., No effect of MDR1 C3435T polymorphism on oral pharmacokinetics of telmisartan in 19 healthy Chinese male subjects,Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 2009,47, 38-43.
15. Guo Y.-J., Tang R.-Y.,Li J.-H., Zhong P. and Zhang X.-G., Palladium-Catalyzed Annulation of 2-(1-Alkynyl)benzenamines with Disulfides: Synthesis of 3-Sulfenylindoles,Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2009,351, 2615-2618.
16. He D.,Chen B., Tian Q. and Yao S., Simultaneous determination of five anthraquinones in medicinal plants and pharmaceutical preparations by HPLC with fluorescence detection,Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2009,49, 1123-1127.
17. Hong Y.-J., Li T.-Y.,Chen B. and Yao S.-Z., Immobilization of Angiotensin Converting-enzyme on Chitosan Microspheres,Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 2009,30, 328-331.
18. Huang J.,Xie Q., Tan Y., Fu Y., Su Z., Huang Y. and Yao S., Preparation of Pt/multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified Au electrodes via Pt-Cu co-electrodeposition/Cu stripping protocol for high-performance electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol,Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009,118, 371-378.
19. Huang M.-Z., Luo F.-X., Mo H.-B., Ren Y.-G., Wang X.-G., Ou X.-M., Lei M.-X., Liu A.-P., Huang L. andXu M.-C., Synthesis and Herbicidal Activity of Isoindoline-1,3-dione Substituted Benzoxazinone Derivatives Containing a Carboxylic Ester Group,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009,57, 9585-9592.
20. Huang W., Chen S., Zheng J. andLi Z., Facile preparation of Pt hydrosols by dispersing bulk Pt with potential perturbations,Electrochemistry Communications, 2009,11, 469-472.
21. Huang W., Wang M., Zheng J. andLi Z., Facile Fabrication of Multifunctional Three-Dimensional Hierarchical Porous Gold Films via Surface Rebuilding,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009,113, 1800-1805.
22. Huang X.-C., Wang F., Liang Y. andLi J.-H., Halopalladation/Decarboxylation/Carbon - Carbon Forming Domino Process: Synthesis of 5-Halo-6-substituted Benzo b naphtho 2,1-d furans,Organic Letters, 2009,11, 1139-1142.
23. Jia X., Tan L., Zhou Y., Jiang X.,Xie Q., Tang H. and Yao S., Magnetic immobilization and electrochemical detection of leukemia K562 cells,Electrochemistry Communications, 2009,11, 141-144.
24. Jia X., Zhou Y., Tan L.,Xie Q., Tang H., Ma M. and Yao S., Hydroxyapitite-multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite for adhesion and electrochemical study of human osteoblast-like cells (MG-63),Electrochimica Acta, 2009,54, 3611-3617.
25. Jiang T.-S. andLi J.-H., Palladium-catalyzed oxidative tandem reaction of allylamines with aryl halides leading to alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes,Chemical Communications, 2009, 7236-7238.
26. Lei L., Fu Y., Xu X.,Xie Q. and Yao S., Aptamer-Based Electrochemical Biosensors,Progress in Chemistry, 2009,21, 724-731.
27. Li T.-Y., Deng K.-G.,Chen B. and Yao S.-Z., Determination of lipase activity by gas chromatography,Yao xue xue bao = Acta pharmaceutica Sinica, 2009,44, 628-631.
28. Li X., Jia X., Xie C., Lin Y., Cao R., He Q., Chen P., Wang X. andLiang S., Development of cationic colloidal silica-coated magnetic nanospheres for highly selective and rapid enrichment of plasma membrane fractions for proteomics analysis,Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2009,54, 213-220.
29. Liu A., He H., Liu X., He L., Hu C., Wei Z., Hu Z., Huang M., Ou X. andSu S., Synthesis and Fungicidal Activities of Novel Oxime Ether Strobilurins,Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009,29, 1381-1386.
30. Liu G., Ma J., Chen Y., Tian Q., Shen Y., Wang X.,Chen B. and Yao S., Investigation of flavonoid profile of Scutellaria bacalensis Georgi by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection and electrospray ion trap mass spectrometry,Journal of Chromatography A, 2009,1216, 4809-4814.
31. Liu G., Xu Z., Chen J., Lang G., Tian Q., Shen Y.,Chen B. and Yao S., On-line strategies for the identification of unknown flavone glycosides in Dracocephalum tanguticum Maxim,Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2009,877, 2545-2550.
32. Liu J., Huang W., Chen S., Hu S., Liu F. a. andLi Z., Facile Electrochemical Dispersion of Bulk Rh into Hydrosols,International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2009,4, 1302-1308.
33. Liu P., Zhang Q., He L.,Xie Q. and Ding H., Synthesis and Properties of Poly(Urethane-Imide) Diacid/Epoxy Composites Cured with an Aziridine System,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2009,113, 2628-2637.
34. Liu Y.-L., Liang Y., Pi S.-F., Huang X.-C. andLi J.-H., Palladium-Catalyzed Cocyclotrimerization of Allenes with Arynes: Selective Synthesis of Phenanthrenes,Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009,74, 3199-3202.
35. Liu Y.-L., Liang Y., Pi S.-F. andLi J.-H., Selective Synthesis of o-Acylbenzylphosphonates by Insertion Reactions of Arynes into beta-Ketophosphonates,Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009,74, 5691-5694.
36. Lu Y., Chen J.,Chen B. and Yao S., Simultaneous determination of 8 illegal synthetic drugs in antihypertensive dietary supplements by high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry,Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui, 2009,27, 44-49.
37. Luo P., Tang R., Zhong P. andLi J., Progress in the Synthesis of Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles by Intramolecular Cyclization of Alkynes,Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009,29, 1924-1937.
38. Luo P.-S., Wang F.,Li J.-H., Tang R.-Y. and Zhong P., Copper-Catalyzed Selective S-Arylation of 1,2-Bis(o-amino-1H-pyrazolyl) Disulfides with Arylboronic Acids,Synthesis-Stuttgart, 2009, 921-928.
39. Luo P.-S., Yu M., Tang R.-Y., Zhong P. andLi J.-H., Solvent-free copper-catalyzed oxidative S-arylation of 1,2-diaryldisulfides with aryltrimethoxysilane,Tetrahedron Letters, 2009,50, 1066-1070.
40. Peng P., Tang B.-X., Pi S.-F., Liang Y. andLi J. H., Synthesis of (E)-3-(Isobenzofuran-3(1H)-ylidene)-indolin-2-ones by the Palladium-Catalyzed Intramolecular C-H Functionalization Process,Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009,74, 3569-3572.
41. Peng X., Ma J., Cheng K.-W.,Chen B., Chen F. and Wang M., High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of creatine kinase activity influenced by methylglyoxal,Biomedical Chromatography, 2009,23, 170-174.
42. Pi S.-F., Tang B.-X., Li J.-H., Liu Y.-L. andLiang Y., Palladium-Catalyzed Decarboxylative Coupling of Allylic Alkynoates with Arynes,Organic Letters, 2009,11, 2309-2312.
43. Qiu J.-W., Zhang X.-G., Tang R.-Y., Zhong P. andLi J.-H., Iron-Catalyzed Tandem Reactions of 2-Halobenzenamines with Isothiocyanates Leading to 2-Aminobenzothiazoles,Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2009,351, 2319-2323.
44. Shen Y., Hu Y., Huang K., Yin S. a.,Chen B. and Yao S., Solid-phase extraction of carotenoids,Journal of Chromatography A, 2009,1216, 5763-5768.
45. Song R.-J., Liu Y., Li R.-J. andLi J.-H., Selective synthesis of 3-methyleneindolin-2-ones by one-pot multicatalytic processes,Tetrahedron Letters, 2009,50, 3912-3916.
46. Su Z., Huang J.,Xie Q., Fang Z., Zhou C., Zhou Q. and Yao S., Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of covalent tethering of carboxylated thiol to polyaniline for electrocatalyzed oxidation of ascorbic acid in neutral aqueous solution,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2009,11, 9050-9061.
47. Tan L., Jia X. e., Jiang X., Zhang Y., Tang H., Yao S. andXie Q., In vitro study on the individual and synergistic cytotoxicity of adriamycin and selenium nanoparticles against Bel7402 cells with a quartz crystal microbalance,Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2009,24, 2268-2272.
48. Tan L., Xie Q., jia X. e., Guo M.,Zhang Y., Tang H. and Yao S., Dynamic measurement of the surface stress induced by the attachment and growth of cells on Au electrode with a quartz crystal microbalance,Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2009,24, 1603-1609.
49. Tan R., Yin D., Yu N., Zhao H. andYin D., Easily recyclable polymeric ionic liquid-functionalized chiral salen Mn(III) complex for enantioselective epoxidation of styrene,Journal of Catalysis, 2009,263, 284-291.
50. Tan Y., Deng W., Ge B.,Xie Q., Huang J. and Yao S., Biofuel cell and phenolic biosensor based on acid-resistant laccase-glutaraldehyde functionalized chitosan-multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite film,Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2009,24, 2225-2231.
51. Tang D.-J., Tang B.-X. andLi J.-H., Selective Synthesis of 3-Aryl Quinolin-2(1H)-ones and 3-(1-Arylmethylene)oxindoles Involving a 2-Fold Arene C-H Activation Process,Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009,74, 6749-6755.
52. Tang F., Zhang Q., Nie Z.,Chen B. and Yao S., Sample preparation for analyzing traditional Chinese medicines,Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2009,28, 1253-1262.
53. Tao L., Xie Y., Deng C. andLi J., Generation of Pd Nanoparticles in situ from PdCl2in TBAF: An Efficient and Reusable Catalytic System for the Suzuki-Miyaura Reaction under Ligand- and Solvent-free Conditions,Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2009,27, 1365-1373.
54. Tetala K. K. R., Swarts J. W.,Chen B., Janssen A. E. M. and van Beek T. A., A three-phase microfluidic chip for rapid sample clean-up of alkaloids from plant extracts,Lab on a Chip, 2009,9, 2085-2092.
55. Tu X., Yan L., Luo X., Luo S. andXie Q., Electroanalysis of Bisphenol A at a Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes-gold Nanoparticles Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode,Electroanalysis, 2009,21, 2491-2494.
56. Wang J., Yang D., Wang Z.,Chen B.and Yao S., Simultaneous determination of illegal additives in dietary supplements and traditional medicines by high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (vol 113, pg 227, 2009),Food Chemistry, 2009,114, 763-763.
57. Wang J., Yang D., Wang Z.,Chen B. and Yao S., Simultaneous of illegal additives in dietary supplements and traditional medicines by high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,Food Chemistry, 2009,113, 227-232.
58. Wang Z.-L., Tang R.-Y., Luo P.-S., Deng C.-L., Zhong P. andLi J.-H., Hydrothiolation of terminal alkynes with diaryl disulfides and diphenyl diselenide: selective synthesis of (Z)-1-alkenyl sulfides and selenides,Tetrahedron, 2009,65, 579-579.
59. Wang Z.-Q., Liang Y., Lei Y., Zhou M.-B. andLi J.-H., Iron-catalyzed annulations of 2-(2-alkynyl)phenoxy)-1-arylethanones leading to substituted naphthalen-1-ols,Chemical Communications, 2009, 5242-5244.
60. Wang Z.-Q., Tang B.-X., Zhang H.-P., Wang F. andLi J.-H., Electrophilic ipso-Halocyclization of N-Arylpropynamides with Polyfluoroalkyl Alcohols: Selective Synthesis of 8-(Polyfluoroalkoxy)azaspiro 4.5 trienes,Synthesis-Stuttgart, 2009, 891-902.
61. Wu D.-X., Luo F.-X., Mo H.-B., Wang X.-G., Ren Y.-G., Simpson J. andHuang M.-Z., Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Ethyl 2-(6-(1,3-Dioxo-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-isoindol-2(3H)-yl)-7-fluoro-3-oxo- 2H-benzo b 1,4 oxazin-4(3H)-yl) Butanoate,Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2009,28, 585-589.
62. Xie F., Fu Z., Zhong S., Ye Z., Zhou X., Liu F., Lu C., Rong C., Mao L. andYin D., Catalytic Oxidative Removal of Dimethylsulfoxide by Hexadentate 8-Quinolinolato Manganese(III) Complexes,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2009,30, 981-985.
63. Xie F., Fu Z., Zhong S., Ye Z., Zhou X., Liu F., Rong C., Mao L. andYin D., Thioanisole oxidation with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by hexadentate 8-quinolinolato manganese(III) complexes,Journal of Molecular Catalysis a-Chemical, 2009,307, 93-97.
64. Xu X., Nie Z., Chen J., Fu Y., Li W., Shen Q. andYao S., A DNA-based electrochemical strategy for label-free monitoring the activity and inhibition of protein kinase,Chemical Communications, 2009, 6946-6948.
65. Yang D.-j. andChen B., Simultaneous Determination of Nonnutritive Sweeteners in Foods by HPLC/ESI-MS,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009,57, 3022-3027.
66. Ye M., Zhang Y., Li H.,Zhang Y., Tan P., Tang H. and Yao S., A novel method for the detection of point mutation in DNA using single-base-coded CdS nanoprobes,Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2009,24, 2339-2345.
67. Ye Z., Fu Z., Zhong S., Xie F., Zhou X., Liu F. andYin D., Selective oxidation of alcohols with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by hexadentate binding 8-quinolinolato manganese(III) complexes,Journal of Catalysis, 2009,261, 110-115.
68. Yu M., Tang R.-Y. andLi J.-H., Synthesis of 6,7-dihydro-5H-dibenzo c,e azepines and biaryls by palladium-catalyzed Ullmann reaction,Tetrahedron, 2009,65, 3409-3416.
69. Yu R., Ma M., Wang L.,Xie Q., Cao Z., Jiang X. and Yao S., Highly sensitive and surface-renewable electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance assays of heparin and chondroitin sulfate based on their effects on the electrodeposition of neutral red,Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2009,24, 1771-1776.
70. Zhang Q., Chen C.,Xie Q.and Liu P., Electrodeposition of a biocompatible hydroxyapatite matrix to immobilize glucose oxidase for sensitive glucose biosensing,Microchimica Acta, 2009,165, 223-229.
71. Zhu L., Ding L., Zhang Q., Wang L., Tang F., Liu Q. andYao S., Direct analysis of cryptotanshinone and tanshinone IIA in biological samples and herbal medicinal preparations by a green technique of micellar liquid chromatography,Green Chemistry, 2009,11, 132-137.
72. Zou T., Pi S.-S. andLi J.-H., FeCl3-Catalyzed 1,2-Addition Reactions of Aryl Aldehydes with Arylboronic Acids,Organic Letters, 2009,11, 453-456.
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报告题目 |
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于坤千 博士 (中科院上海药物研究所) |
2009.6.12 |
高性能计算与药物设计 |
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杨小平 教授 (美国科罗拉多大学) |
2009.6.19 |
化学与生物和基础医学的交叉学科个案研究 |
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陈冠华 教授 (香港大学化学系) |
2009.8.7 |
开放体系的一种严格的密度泛函理论 |
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Prof. Jay Switzer (美国密苏里科技大学教授) |
2009.8.22 |
Electrodeposition of Ceramic Superlattices and Chiral Films |
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刘述斌 主讲教授 |
2009. 8.3 |
高级计算化学(Advanced Computational Chemistry) |
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杨庆雄 教授(贵州师大) |
2009.5.14 |
中药现代化结合化学生物学研究的一点探讨 |
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杨振军(北京大学) |
2009.07.31 |
化学修饰的寡核苷酸及生物学性质研究 |
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肖吉昌(中科院) |
2009.08.07 |
新型功能离子液体绿色化学 |
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Marek W. Urban(美国密西西比大学) |
2009.10.20 |
Antimicrobial polymer and carbon based interfaces |
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杨占军博士(南京大学) |
2009.06.08 |
新型生物传感阵列研究 |
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姚建年(中科院) |
2009.08.28 |
光化学传感及其在生物体系中的应用 |