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时间:2019年08月27日 00:00 点击数:[] 来源:化学生物学及中药分析教育部重点实验室




1) 纳米材料的制备和荧光生物传感研究

2) 荧光小分子探针的合成及其生物传感研究

3) 光电化学生物传感平台的构建及其应用研究


张友玉,女,博士,教授,博士生导师。2005年毕业于湖南大学化学化工学院获理学博士学位。2002-2004年在香港大学访学、2008-2010年在美国访学。从事分析化学教学和光分析化学、化学/生物传感及化学生物学等方面的科研工作。在纳米材料合成与修饰、光谱分析、生物分析、化学/生物传感和小分子-生物大分子作用等方面开展了创新性研究。在Anal. Chem., Chem. Commun., J. Mater. Chem.等刊物发表SCI论文100余篇;获湖南省自然科学奖2项,中国分析测试学会科学技术奖1项,湖南省优秀学术论文奖1项。主持国家自然科学基金、教育部重点项目、湖南省自然科学基金和湖南省教育厅重点项目10余项。

李海涛,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。南开大学国家吸附分离功能材料重点实验室高分子化学与物理专业毕业,获理学博士学位。从事新型探针分子、功能材料的研制等方面的科研工作。自2008年以来,与团队师生共发表SCI研究论文113篇,其中本人为通讯作者在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (校定TOP期刊),Green Chem.,Biosens. Bioelectron.等SCI重要学术期刊发表学术论文31篇,,其中校定TOP期刊2篇,其他SCI1区论文6篇,论文总引用数2984余次,单篇最高引用135余次,部分成果获得湖南省自然科学奖二等奖1项。

吴萃艳,女,在读博士,实验师。2012年硕士毕业留校工作,2015-2019年在职攻读博士学位。主要研究方向为小分子荧光探针的设计与合成及其在分析检测中的应用 在Chem. Commun., Talanta, Anal. Methods, New J. Chem., J. Food Sci. Technol. 等重要学术期刊发表论文。



针对目前族纳米材料合成过程中存在的操作繁杂、条件苛刻及成本高等不足,发展了系列快速、温和、可控的制备的族纳米材料的新途径,并基于制备的族纳米材料的优良性质构建了一系列的化学/生物传感器,用于人体健康相关生物活性小分子/酶、重金属离子等有毒有害物质的检测。主要工作如下:以小分子有机物为碳源,构建了一种电化学碳化可控合成碳量子点的方法并用于细胞成像研究(Chemistry - A European Journal, 2014, 20, 4993-4999);以黑炭为碳源快速绿色制备得到氧化石墨烯量子点(Green Chemistry, 2017, 19, 900-904);以几种有机锗烷作为前驱体发展了一种简便、温和的制备荧光锗纳米粒子的方法并用于细胞成像研究(Langmuir, 2018, 34, 8932-8938);发现了锗纳米粒子的类过氧化物酶催化活性新性能并用于检测尿酸、葡萄糖和胆碱等生物分子(Talanta, 2019, 195, 407-413);利用所合成的碳量子点的出色发光性质,构建了拥有比色和荧光信号的半胱氨酸传感器并可将谷胱甘肽区分开来,同时成功的对人血清中的半胱氨酸进行了检测(Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87, 2195-2203);并发现碳量子点的还原性新性能(Chemical Communications., 2015, 51, 7164-7167)。


2) 荧光小分子探针的合成及其生物传感研究

以香豆素、萘酰亚胺、碳菁类、四取代咪唑衍生物等有机小分子为荧光母核,设计并合成一系列的有机荧光探针。在合成高性能荧光探针的基础上分别开展了活细胞内重金属阳离子、阴离子、氧化还原性物质、酶和生物硫醇等的成像研究工作。主要工作如下:创新设计并合成了一个具有四个反应位点的高量子产率荧光探针BCC,利用该探针与CysHcyGSH反应后生成三种具有不同荧光性质的产物,从而达到同时区分检测这三种生物硫醇的目的,并应用于活细胞中三种外源性生物硫醇的成像研究(Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2018, 130, 5085-5088);设计合成苯并吡喃衍生物类的荧光探针,实现水样中铜离子的灵敏检测及活细胞中铜离子的可视化成像(Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2018, 273, 118-125);设计合成苯并吡喃衍生物类的荧光探针,实现血清中过氧化氢的荧光比色双通道检测及活细胞中内外源性过氧化氢的成像(Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2019, 280, 120-128)。

3) 光电化学生物传感平台的构建及其应用研究

半导体等光敏材料在光照射下由于吸收能量发生电子跃迁,产生具有还原和氧化能力的光生电子-空穴对。利用各种物理和化学改性方法合成具有优异光电性能的电极材料,结合电解液中发生的反应用于光催化降解与光电化学传感器的构建。主要工作如下:在常规煅烧过程基础上加入NaOH合成了氮缺陷石墨相氮化碳g-C3N5,通过控制NaOH与前驱体质量比,有效调控带隙大小,得到的材料具有更优异的光催化性能(Materials & Design, 2019, 162, 210-219);利用KOH作为模板首次合成了具有更宽可见光吸收区域的富含氮的棒状介孔RN-g-C3N5,用于光催化高效降解有机污染物(ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 625–631);通过简单的油浴法合成Ti3C2/Cu2O异质结构,利用其灵敏的溶解氧敏感性构建了光电传感器用于无酶检测葡萄糖(Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2019, 142, 111535 )。


1. 国家自然科学基金(21977028),基因毒素Colibactin的荧光分析与结直肠癌预警新方法(2020.01-2023.12

2. 国家自然科学基金(21874042),癌细胞外泌体的生物分析新方法与临床样品检测研究(2019.01-2022.12

3. 国家自然科学基金(21675051),近红外比率型氧化还原可逆荧光探针的设计合成及其在细胞内活性氧物种原位动态检测中的应用(2016.01-2019.12);

4. 国家自然科学基金(21475043, Ⅳ族元素量子点的电化学制备及其在生物分析中的应用(2015.01-2018.12

5. 国家自然科学基金(21375037),新型双光子探针的设计、合成及在生物活性物质检测中的应用(2014.01-2017.12

6. 国家自然科学基金(21275051,基于上转换纳米编码探针的多种肿瘤标志物同时检测技术(2013.01-2016.12

7. 国家自然科学基金21075037,多功能亲水性链珠结构分子导线合成、电子传输机理以及在免疫分析中的应用研究(2011.01-2014.12)

8. 国家自然科学基金(20975037, 基于功能化蛋白核壳纳米编码信标的核酸适体阵列传感技术研究(2010.01-2012.12)

9. 国家自然科学基金(20675030,基于纳米颗粒编码的DNA单碱基突变检测技术研究 2007.01-2009.12


1. 一种具有上下转换荧光的碳点的绿色合成方法,专利号:ZL201310191704.7

2. 一种用酮电化学碳化制备荧光碳点的方法,专利号:ZL201310376464.8

3. 一种用醇电化学碳化制备荧光碳点的方法,专利号:ZL201310378455.2

4. 一种可控制备氧化石墨烯和氧化石墨烯量子点的方法,专利号:ZL201610595300.8

5. 一种二氰基甲烯基苯并四氢呋喃衍生物及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201611180309.9


1. 碳、硅纳米材料及其复合物的合成与分析检测应用,湖南省自然科学二等奖,2018

2. 石英晶体微天平传感技术在生物分析中的应用,中国分析测试学会科学技术奖(CAIA奖)二等奖,中国分析测试学会,2011

3. 光谱电化学和压电电化学新方法理论与应用,湖南省自然科学二等奖,2003




1. Guoxing Yin, Tingting Niu, Ting Yu, Yabing Gan, Xinyu Sun, Peng Yin, Haimin Chen, Youyu Zhang, Haitao Li, Shouzhuo Yao, Simultaneous Visualization of Endogenous Homocysteine, Cysteine, Glutathione, and their Transformation through Different Fluorescence Channels. Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., 2019, 58, 4557-4561.

2. Mingxia Li, Haiyan Wang, Xiaoxia Wang, Qiujun Lu, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang, Shouzhuo Yao, Ti3C2/Cu2O heterostructure based signal-off photoelectrochemical sensor for high sensitivity detection of glucose. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2019, 142, 111535-111535.

3. Haiyan Wang, Mingxia Li, Qiujun Lu, Yuemei Cen, Youyu Zhang, Shouzhuo Yao, A Mesoporous Rod-like g-C3N5 Synthesized by Salt-Guided Strategy: As a Superior Photocatalyst for Degradation of Organic Pollutant. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., 2019, 7, 625-631.

4. Dan Liu, Gong Zhang, Qinghua Ji, Youyu Zhang, Jinghong Li, Synergistic Electrocatalytic Nitrogen Reduction Enabled by Confinement of Nanosized Au Particles onto a Two-Dimensional Ti3C2 Substrate. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 25758-25765.

5. Hongyu Chen, Yalan Liu, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang, Shouzhuo Yao, Non-oxidation reduction strategy for highly selective detection of ascorbic acid with dual-ratio fluorescence and colorimetric signals. Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem., 2019, 281, 983-988.

6. Feng Chen, Qiujun Lu, Youyu Zhang*, Shouzhuo Yao, Strand displacement dual amplification miRNAs strategy with FRET between NaYF4:Yb,Tm/Er upconversion nanoparticles and Ti3C2 nanosheets, Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem., 2019, 297, 126751.

7. Hongyu Chen, Zile Zhou, Qiujun Lu, Cuiyan Wu, Meiling Liu, Youyu Zhang, Shouzhuo Yao, Molecular structure regulation and enzyme cascade signal amplification strategy for upconversion ratiometric luminescent and colorimetric alkaline phosphatase detection. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2019, 1051, 160-168.

8. Qiujun Lu, Xiaogen Chen, Dan Liu, Cuiyan Wu, Meiling Liu, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang, Shouzhuo Yao, A turn-on fluorescent probe for vitamin C based on the use of a silicon/CoOOH nanoparticle system. Microchim. Acta, 2019, 186, 72

9. Jiali Hu, Qiujun Lu, Cuiyan Wu, Meiling Liu, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang*, Shouzhuo Yao, Germanium nanoparticles: Intrinsic peroxidase-like catalytic activity and its biosensing application. Talanta, 2019, 195, 407-413.

10. Haiyan Wang, Mingxia Li, Huan Li, Qiujun Lu, Youyu Zhang, Shouzhuo Yao, Porous graphitic carbon nitride with controllable nitrogen vacancies: As promising catalyst for enhanced degradation of pollutant under visible light. Materials & Design, 2019, 162, 210-218.

11. Huan Li, Hongyu Chen, Mingxia Li, Qiujun Lu, Youyu Zhang, Shouzhuo Yao, Template protection of gold nanoclusters for the detection of organophosphorus pesticides. New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 5423-5428.

12. Kaili He, Hongyu Chen, Cuiyan Wu, Meiling Liu, Youyu Zhang, An L-cysteine-mediated iodide-catalyzed reaction for the detection of I. New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 1398-1403.

13. Cuiyan Wu, Hai Xu, Yaqian Li, Ruihua Xie, Peijuan Li, Xiao Pang, Zile Zhou, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang, A ''naked-eye'' colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescence probe for trace hydrazine. Anal. Methods, 2019, 11, 2591-2596.

14. Yaqian Li, Ruihua Xie, Xiao Pang, Zile Zhou, Hai Xu, Biao Gu, Cuiyan Wu, Haitao Li*, Youyu Zhang, Aggregation-induced emission fluorescent probe for monitoring endogenous alkaline phosphatase in living cells. Talanta, 2019, 205, 120143-120143.

15. Yaqian Li, Wei Su, Zile Zhou, Zhen Huang, Cuiyan Wu, Peng Yin, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang, A dual-response near-infrared fluorescent probe for rapid detecting thiophenol and its application in water samples and bio-imaging. Talanta, 2019, 199, 355-360.

16. Cuiyan Wu, Hai Xu, Yaqian Li, Ruihua Xie, Peijuan Li, Xiao Pang, Zile Zhou, Biao Gu, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang, An ESIPT-based fluorescent probe for the detection of phosgene in the solution and gas phases. Talanta, 2019, 200, 78-83.

17. Zile Zhou, Yaqian Li, Wei Su, Biao Gu, Hai Xu, Cuiyan Wu, Peng Yin, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang, A dual-signal colorimetric and near-infrared fluorescence probe for the detection of exogenous and endogenous hydrogen peroxide in living cells. Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem., 2019, 280, 120-128.

18. Zhen Huang, Cuiyan Wu, Yaqian Li, Zile Zhou, Ruihua Xie, Xiao Pang, Hai Xu, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang, A fluorescent probe for the specific detection of cysteine in human serum samples. Anal. Methods, 2019, 11, 3280-3285.


1. Guo-xing Yin, Ting-ting Niu, Ya-bing Gan, Ting Yu, Peng Yin*, Hai-min Chen*, You-yu Zhang, Hai-tao Li*, Shou-zhuo Yao, A Multi-signal Fluorescent Probe with Multiple Binding Sites for Simultaneous Sensing of Cysteine, Homocysteine, and Glutathione. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2018, 57, 4991-4994.

2. Hongyu Chen, Qiujun Lu, Kaili He, Meiling Liu*, Youyu Zhang*, ShouzhuoYao, A cyclic signal amplification strategy to fluorescence and colorimetric dual-readout assay for the detection of H2O2-related analytes and application to colorimetric logic gate, Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 260, 908-917.

3. Haiyan Wang, Qiujun Lu, Mingxia Li, Huan Li, Yalan Liu, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang*, Shouzhuo Yao, Electrochemically prepared oxygen and sulfur co-doped graphitic carbon nitride quantum dots for fluorescence determination of copper and silver ions and biothiols, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2018, 1027, 121-129.

4. Qiujun Lu#, Xiaogen Chen#, Dan Liu, Cuiyan Wu, Meiling Liu, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang*, Shouzhuo Yao, Synergistic electron transfer effect-based signal amplification strategy for the ultrasensitive detection of dopamine, Talanta, 2018, 182, 428-432.

5. Xiaogen Chen#, Qiujun Lu#, Dan Liu, Cuiyan Wu, Meiling Liu, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang*, Shouzhuo Yao, Highly sensitive and selective determination of copper(II) based on a dual catalytic effect and by using silicon nanoparticles as a fluorescent probe, Microchim. Acta, 2018, 185, 188.

6. Hongyu Chen, Kaili He, Huan Li, Youyu Zhang*, Shouzhuo Yao, Analyte-triggered cyclic autocatalytic oxidation amplification combined with an upconversion nanoparticle probe for fluorometric detection of copper(II), Microchimica Acta, 2018, 185, 484.

7. Cuiyan Wu, Xue Peng, Qiujun Lu, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang*, Shouzhuo Yao, Ultrasensitive silicon nanoparticle ratiometric fluorescence determination of mercury(II), Analytical Letters, 2018 51, 1013-1028.

8. Jiali Hu, Qiujun Lu, Cuiyan Wu, Meiling Liu, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang*, Shouzhuo Yao, Synthesis of Fluorescent and Water-Dispersed Germanium Nanoparticles and Their Cellular Imaging Applications, Langmuir 2018 34 (30), 8932-8938.

9. Cuiyan Wu, Qiujun Lu, Xuran Miu, Aijin Fang, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang*, A simple assay platform for sensitive detection of Sudan I–IV in chilli powder based on CsPbBr3 quantum dots, J Food Sci Technol, 2018, 55, 2497.

10. Hai Xu; Biao Gu; Yaqian Li; Zhen Huang; Wei Su; Xiaoli Duan; Peng Yin*, Haitao Li*, Shouzhuo Yao, A highly selective, colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescent probe for NH2NH2 and its bioimaging, Talanta, 2018, 180, 199-205.

11. Wenli Hou, Yuan Chen, Qiujun Lu, Meiling Liu*, Youyu Zhang, ShouzhuoYao, Silver ions enhanced AuNCs fluorescence as a turn-off nanoprobe for ultrasensitive detection of iodide, Talanta, 2018, 180, 144-149.

12. Cuiyan Wu, Xiaojun Hu, Biao Gu, Peng Yin, Wei Su, Yaqian Li, Qiujun Lu, Youyu Zhanga, Haitao Li*, A lysosome-targeting colorimetric and fluorescent dual signal probe for sensitive detection and bioimaging of hydrogen sulfide, Anal. Methods, 2018, 10, 604-610.

13. Ting Yu, Guoxing Yin, Tingting Niu, Peng Yin*, Haitao Li*, Youyu Zhang, Haimin Chen*, YingZeng, ShouzhuoYao, A novel colorimetric and fluorescent probe for simultaneous detection of SO32-/HSO3- and HSO4- by different emission channels and its bioimaging in living cells, Talanta, 2018, 176, 1-7.

14. Hai Xu, Zhen Huang, Yaqian Li, Biao Gu, Zile Zhou, Ruihua Xie, Xiao Pang, Haitao Li*, Youyu Zhang, A highly sensitive naked-eye fluorescent probe for trace hydrazine based on ‘C-CN’ bond cleavage, Analyst, 2018,143, 4354-4358.


1. Aijin Fang, Hongyu Chen, Haitao Li, Meiling Liu*, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, Glutathione regulation-based dual-functional upconversion sensing-platform for acetylcholinesterase activity and cadmium ions, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2017, 87, 545-551.

2. Qiujun Lu, Haiyan Wang, Yalan Liu, Yuxin Hou, Haitao Li and Youyu Zhang*, Graphitic carbon nitride nanodots: as reductant for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles and its biothiols biosensing application, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2017, 89, 411-416.

3. Qiongqiong Wu, Hongyu Chen, Aijin Fang, Xinyang Wu, Meiling Liu*, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang*, Shouzhuo Yao, Universal multifunctional nanoplatform based on target-Induced in situ promoting Au seeds growth to quench fluorescence of upconversion nanoparticles, ACS Sens., 2017, 2, 1805-1813.

4. Lijun Zhu, Xue Peng, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, On−off−on fluorescent silicon nanoparticles for recognition of chromium(VI) and hydrogen sulfide based on the inner filter effect, Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem., 2017, 238, 196-203.

5. Haiyan Wang, Qiujun Lu, Yalan Liu, Huan Li, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, A dual-signal readout sensor for highly sensitive detection of iodide ions in urine based on catalase-like reaction of iodide ions and N-doped C-dots, Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem., 2017, 250, 429-435.

6. Hongyu Chen, Aijin Fang, Li He, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, Sensitive fluorescent detection of H2O2 and glucose in human serum based on inner filter effect of squaric acid-iron(Ⅲ) on the fluorescence of upconversion nanoparticle, Talanta, 2017, 164, 580-587.

7. Hongyu Chen, Aijin Fang, Youyu Zhang*, Shouzhuo Yao, Silver triangular nanoplates as an high efficiently FRET donor-acceptor of upconversion nanoparticles for ultrasensitive “Turn on-off” protamine and trypsin sensor, Talanta, 2017, 174, 148-155.

8. Youming Shen, Guangyu Sheng*, Youyu Zhang*, Chunxiang Zhang, Haitao Li, A novel label-free electrochemical immunosensor based on aldehyde terminated ionic liquid, Talanta, 2017, 175, 347-351.

9. Xiangyang Zhang, Youming Shen*, Youyu Zhang*, Guangyu Shen, Haiyan Xiang, Xiaofeng Long, A label-free electrochemical immunosensor based on a new polymer containing aldehyde and ferrocene groups, Talanta, 2017, 164, 483-489.

10. Youming Shen, Xiangyang Zhang*, Youyu Zhang*, Chunxiang Zhang, Junling Jin, HaitaoLi, A new simple phthalimide-based fluorescent probe for highly selective cysteine and bioimaging for living cells, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2017, 185, 371-375.

11. Qian Long, Yanqing Wen, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, A novel fluorescent biosensor for detection of silver ions based on upconversion nanoparticles, J. Fluoresc., 2017, 27, 205-211.

12. Yalan Liu, Qiujun Lu, Xiaojun Hu, Haiyan Wang, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang*, Shouzhuo Yao, A nanosensor based on carbon dots for recovered fluorescence detection clenbuterol in pork samples, J. Fluoresc., 2017, 1847-1853.

13. Qiujun Lu, Cuiyan Wu, Dan Liu, Haiyan Wang, Wei Su, Haitao Li*, Youyu Zhang, Shouzhuo Yao, A facile and simple method for synthesis of graphene oxide quantum dots from black carbon, Green Chem., 2017,19, 900-904.

14. Si Zhang, Renkai Li, Xiaoying Liu, Liuqing Yang, Qiujun Lu, Meiling Liu*, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang, ShouzhuoYao, A novel multiple signal amplifying immunosensor based on the strategy of in situ-produced electroactive substance by ALP and carbon-based Ag-Au bimetallic as the catalyst and signal enhancer, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, 92, 457-464.

15. Yanyan Liu, Hongchang Li, Bin Guo*, Lijuan Wei, Bo Chen*, Youyu Zhang, Gold nanoclusters as switch-off fluorescent probe for detection of uric acid based on the inner filter effect of hydrogen peroxide-mediated enlargement of gold nanoparticles, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, 91, 734-740.

16. Yuan Chen, Xiaoying Liu, Si Zhang, Liuqing Yang, Meiling Liu*, Youyu Zhang, Shouzhuo Yao, Ultrasensitive and simultaneous detection of hydroquinone, catechol and resorcinol based on the electrochemical co-reduction prepared Au-Pd nanoflower/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 231, 677-685.

17. Wei Su, Biao Gu, Xiaojun Hu, Xiaoli Duan, Youyu Zhang, Haitao Li*, Shouzhuo Yao, A near-infrared and colorimetric fluorescent probe for palladium detection and bioimaging, Dyes and Pigments, 2017, 137, 293-298.

18. Guoxing Yin, Ting Yu, Tingting Niu, Peng Yin*, Haimin Chen, Youyu Zhang, Haitao Li,* Shouzhuo Yao, A novel fluorescence turn-on probe for the selective detection of thiophenols by caged benzooxazolidinoindocyanine, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 46148-46154.

19. Ting Yu, Guoxing Yin, Peng Yin*, Ying Zeng, Haitao Li*, Youyu Zhang, Shouzhuo Yao, A novel long-wavelength fluorescent probe for discrimination of different palladium species based on Pd-catalyzed reactions, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 24822-24827.

20. Mingjie Wei, Youyu Zhang, Haitao Li*, Shouzhuo Yao, A new “on–off” fluorescent probe for the selective detection of copper ions in living cells, Anal. Methods, 2017, 9, 3956-3961.

21. Liuqing Yang, Na Huang, Liyan Huang, Meiling Liu*, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang, Shouzhuo Yao, An electrochemical sensor for highly sensitive detection of copper ions based on a new molecular probe Pi-A decorated on graphene, Anal. Methods, 2017, 9, 618-624.

22. Jiahui Li, Yi Xiao, Hongling Qin, Huizhen Shi, Hongmei Huang*, Youyu Zhang, Xiaoxiao He, Kemin Wang*, A bispyrene/AgNP-based ratiometric nanoprobe for supersensitive fluorescence and colorimetric sensing of etimicin, Anal. Methods, 2017, 9, 3845-3851.


1. Qiongqiong Wu, Aijin Fang, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang*, Shouzhuo Yao, Enzymatic-induced upconversion photoinduced electron transfer for sensing tyrosine in human serum, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2016, 77, 957-962.

2. Aijin Fang, Qiongqiong Wu, Qiujun Lu, Hongyu Chen, Haitao Li, Meiling Liu, Youyu Zhang and Shouzhuo Yao, Upconversion ratiometric fluorescence and colorimetric dual-readout assay for uric acid, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2016, 86, 664-670.

3. Qian Long, Aijin Fang, Yanqing Wen, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, Rapid and highly-sensitive uric acid sensing based on enzymatic catalysis-induced upconversion inner filter effect, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2016, 86, 109-114.

4. Aijin Fang, Qian Long, Qiongqiong Wu, Haitao Li, YouyuZhang*, and ShouzhuoYao, Upconversion nanosensor for sensitive fluorescence detection of Sudan IIV based on inner filter effect, Talanta, 2016, 148, 129–134.

5. Biao Gu, Liyan Huang, Jiali Hu, Jingjing Liu, Wei Su, Xiaoli Duan, Haitao Li*, and Shouzhuo Yao, Highly selective and sensitive fluorescent probe for the detection of nitrite, Talanta, 2016, 152, 155-161.

6. Haiyan Wang, Qiujun Lu, Yuxin Hou, Yalan Liu and Youyu Zhang*, High fluorescence S, N co-doped carbon dots as an ultra-sensitive fluorescent probe for the determination of uric acid, Talanta, 2016, 155, 62-69.

7. Yuxin Hou, Qiujun Lu, Haiyan Wang, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang* and Shiying Zhang*, One-pot electrochemical synthesis of carbon dots/TiO2 nanocomposites with excellent visible light photocatalytic activity, Mater. Lett., 2016, 173, 13-17.

8. Xiaojun Hu, Wei Su, Qiulan Zhou, Peng Yin, Haitao Li* and Shouzhuo Yao, An excited-state intramolecular proton transfer-based probe for the discrimination of thiophenols over aliphatic thiols, Anal. Methods, 2016, 8, 1425-1430.


1. Jianhui Deng, Qiujun Lu, Yuxin Hou, Meiling Liu*, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, Nanosensor composed of nitrogen-doped carbon dots and gold nanoparticles for high selective detection of cysteine with multiple signals, Anal. Chem., 2015, 87, 2195-2203.

2. Qian Long, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, Upconversion nanoparticle-based fluorescence resonance energytransfer assay for organophosphorus pesticide, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2015, 68, 168-174.

3. Qiujun Lu, Jianhui Deng, Yuxin Hou, Haiyan Wang, Haitao Li and Youyu Zhang*, One-step electrochemical synthesis of ultrathin graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets and their application to the detection of uric acid, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 12251-12253.

4. Qiujun Lu, Jianhui Deng, Yuxin Hou, Haiyan Wang, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, Hydroxyl-rich C-dots synthesized by a one-pot method and their application in the preparation of noble metal nanoparticles, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 7164-7167.

5. Yuxin Hou, Qiujun Lu, Jianhui Deng, Haitao Li and Youyu Zhang*, One-pot electrochemical synthesis of functionalized fluorescent carbon dots and their selectivity sensing for mercury ions, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2015, 866, 69-74.

6. Biao Gu, Naxiu Mi, Youyu Zhang, Pen Yin, Haitao Li* and Shouzhuo Yao, A tetraphenylimidazole-based fluorescent probe for the detection of hydrogen sulfide and its application in living cells, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2015, 879, 85-90.

7. Qiujun Lu, Yalan Liu, Yuxin Hou, Haiyan Wang, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, Detection of thiocyanate through limiting growth of AuNPs with C-dots acting as reductant, Analyst, 2015, 140, 7645-7649.

8. Biao Gu, Liyan Huang, Naxiu Mi, Peng Yin, Youyu Zhang*, Xinman Tu, Xubiao Luo, Shenlian Luo and Shouzhuo Yao, An ESIPT-based fluorescent probe for highly selective and ratiometric detection of mercury (II) in solution and in cells, Analyst, 2015,140, 2778-2784.

9. Qiujun Lu, Jiangna Zhao, Shanyan Xue, Peng Yin, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, A “turn-on” fluorescent sensor for ultrasensitive detection of melamine based on a new fluorescence probe and AuNPs, Analyst, 2015, 140, 1155-1160.

10. Jianhui Deng, Qiujun Lu, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang,* and Shouzhuo Yao, Large scale preparation of graphene quantum dots from graphite oxide in pure water via one-step electrochemical tailoring, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 29704-29707.

11. Liyan Huang, Biao Gu, Wei Su, Peng yin and Haitao Li*, Proton donor modulating ESIPT-based fluorescent probes for highly sensitive and selective detection of Cu2+, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 76296-76301.

12. Qiongqiong Wu, Qian Long, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, An upconversion fluorescence resonance energy transfer nanosensor for one step detection of melamine in raw milk, Talanta, 2015, 136, 47-53.

13. Xue Peng, Qian Long, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, “Turn on-off” fluorescent sensor for protamine and heparin based on label-free silicon quantum dots coupled with gold nanoparticles, Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem., 2015, 213, 131-138.

14. Qian Long, Jiangna Zhao, Bangda Yin, Haitao Li, Youyu Zhang* and Shouzhuo Yao, A novel label-free upconversion fluorescence resonance energy transfer-nanosensor for ultrasensitive detection of protamine and heparin, Anal. Biochem., 2015, 477, 28-34.

地址:湖南长沙麓山路36号,410081 版权所有:湖南师范大学化学生物学及中药分析教育部重点实验室@2022